Father and his daughter talking about COVID-19 increasing again and the daughter asks questions to see if her dad did anything to stop the spread and finds out that he has done nothing.



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Why It Spreads

Background Information
This cartoon depicts the ideas as to why COVID-19 continues to spread and shows how oblivious, unaware, and ignorant those who don't support or take part in measures to reduce the spread really are. The daughter appears to be more mature and knowledgable when it comes to the steps that should be being taken and seems annoyed at her dad for being ignorant and disapproving towards people who do wear masks or get vaccinated and boosted.
Technique Used
Simplify Ideas
This is propaganda because
This propaganda simplifies the ideas of why COVID-19 is still continuing to spread, it also further shows how simple it is to take steps to prevent the spread by having the little girl be more understanding of what needs to be done then her adult father. The cartoon uses kairos because it is timely and relevant to our current situation within society and is very up to date as it notions an idea towards getting the booster vaccination. I think it is a beneficial propaganda usage because it sheds light on the simple steps that need to be taken to stop the spread.


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