WWII Style Tea Party Poster



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WWII Style Tea Party Poster

Background Information
This poster was created by the Chamomile Tea Party in 2012 as part of a series pointing out partisanship and ideological extremism as factors in political gridlock on Capitol Hill. It is on Flickr and some are in the DC subway system.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
By using a WWII era poster showing a drowning man as its inspiration, this poster plays on powerful emotions. It suggests that Representatives are "playing politics" while ordinary people are drowning under potentially deadly losses.


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    Tue, 02/05/2013 - 23:00
    Tom & jayjay -- Do you have any concern that the ways in which this poster plays on people's emotions may further disillusion them with the democratic process? As a country, we are divided on many issues, and this is reflected in the beliefs of our elected representatives. This poster simplifies this reality by dismissing the divergent philosophies of Republicans and Democrats as "playing" party politics. One could argue that the poster is dangerous because it powerfully plays on emotions in a way which only encourages further contempt for elected leaders rather than suggesting creative solutions that promote bipartisanship.

    Of course, one can also argue that our representatives have earned the electorate's contempt, and this poster IS urging them to embrace bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems. If so, I'm still wondering if playing on emotions is the best way to get results?

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    jajay gier
    Thu, 02/07/2013 - 00:45
    jajay gier
    david now that i think about it and get a good look at the poster i do have a concern about how this gives emotions on both sides of the democrats and
    republicans so now i disagree with my own statment before
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    Mon, 02/11/2013 - 22:56
    This peice of propoganda is really pulling at my emotions, as I imagine it does with others, which could be dangerous in the essence that it could be hurting other peoples emotions too greatly which might make them revolt against what the progoganda is tryying to promote.
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    Rosie L.
    Mon, 02/11/2013 - 22:57
    Rosie L.
    I feel that this an effective piece of propaganda. While I don't agree with the sentiment this image is expressing, I do find myself drawn to want to help the man and dislike the individuals who have hurt him. Because the picture portrays very strong emotions of the man, viewers find themselves sympathizing even more with him. The use of strong emotions is what makes this piece of propaganda so effective.
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    Chris P
    Tue, 02/12/2013 - 00:59
    Chris P
    This poster conveys alot of emotion. The poster isnt simply trying to explain a point, but convince you to believe the same way. By using the combination of a man drowning, and a WW2 style image, the creator tries to play on your emotions.
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    Tue, 02/12/2013 - 01:00
    It is dangerous because it makes the reader angry that while they are losing their jobs and houses, the polititians basically did nothing to help. They aren't doing their job, but they get paid more, while the rest of the people are left to struggle and fend for themselves. If this thought is shared by many people, they could come together and voice their anger. That could be dangerous for the politians.
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    Kylie H
    Tue, 02/12/2013 - 01:04
    Kylie H
    I think this piece is slightly dangerous depending on who you are as a person and what your beliefs are because it can play with emotions. For me, the piece of propaganda does play with my emotions, but not too badly. The darkness of the poster and the helplessness of the man adds to the effect the creator is giving. When I look at the poster, it makes me feel like whoever took everything he had away is evil. I disagree and think that this piece of propaganda is dangerous.
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    Anna M.
    Tue, 02/12/2013 - 01:10
    Anna M.
    I agree with the interpretation of this propaganda. I don't think that Representatives are "playing politics," because while they are doing their jobs, they are keeping in mind the people, and doing their best to incoorporate their wants and wishes into their game of "politics." This propoganda is not dangerous.
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    Clyde T
    Tue, 02/12/2013 - 01:14
    Clyde T
    This ad is not dangerous and is neccesary because we as citizens are suffering from our economical state while the government sits back and argues over the petty things.
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    David K.
    Thu, 02/26/2015 - 23:42
    David K.
    While I largely agree with Anna M., I am concerned that rather than shaming politicians and spurring positive citizen involvement, propaganda like this may promote cynicism among citizens about democracy. This, in turn, could cause people to disengage or seek more radical solutions to our problems. Granted, this may be a bit of "shooting the messenger" on my part. Is the propaganda breeding cynicism or simply reflecting the cynicism that already exists as the result of partisan gridlock?
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    Sun, 03/01/2015 - 02:17
    I don't think this is cynical at all! I think it's right on target. The user of imagery is particularly powerful. It adds to the sense of urgency.

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