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WWII Style Tea Party Poster
Background Information
This poster was created by the Chamomile Tea Party in 2012 as part of a series pointing out partisanship and ideological extremism as factors in political gridlock on Capitol Hill. It is on Flickr and some are in the DC subway system.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
By using a WWII era poster showing a drowning man as its inspiration, this poster plays on powerful emotions. It suggests that Representatives are "playing politics" while ordinary people are drowning under potentially deadly losses.
Of course, one can also argue that our representatives have earned the electorate's contempt, and this poster IS urging them to embrace bipartisan solutions to the nation's problems. If so, I'm still wondering if playing on emotions is the best way to get results?
republicans so now i disagree with my own statment before
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