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Background Information
This is propaganda because it grabbed my attention and automatically made me have an emotional reaction to it. It shows how perceptions are shaped.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
This is a meme about Chicago. It shows what people think of Chicago and what it actually is.


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    Nathan S
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:07
    Nathan S
    This is considered propaganda because it shows multiple assumed interpretations of Chicago. This is more of a beneficial piece as it displays Chicago for what the people know it is. They sell this image by relating to the citizens living in Chicago. The emotional appeal present is the relation of being a plainfolk. I can tell because it shows multiple interpretations as opposed to the everyday Chicago citizen
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    Ashlee R.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:10
    Ashlee R.
    This qualifies as propaganda because it incites a response immediately after reading it and makes you think. This might be harmful or beneficial depending on your perception of Chicago. This propagandist sells the message by making you come to a conclusion. This type of propaganda is an association. Chicago is being associated with perception - weather positive or negative.
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    Breaire H.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:15
    Breaire H.
    This shows propaganda because it shows what people assume and what it really is people don't know until you tell them and the assumptions die down
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    Shelby K.
    Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:16
    Shelby K.
    This qualifies as propaganda because it is displaying different points of views on one individual.This is harmful because it is showing how people or society can judge you.
    The propaganalist is selling the message by trying to relate to other people.This could be an appeal of social fears because of the different settings of peoples judgement towards you
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    Raechel C
    Fri, 06/03/2016 - 20:40
    Raechel C
    This message qualifies as propaganda because it shows many different sterotypes of chicago.
    This is beneficial because it shows what chicago is actually like

    The author is selling the message by using a meme which is familiar to many people, the author uses comedy to get their message out there

    the emotional appeal that is present is Plainfolks because it shows that citizens of chicago are just normal people living in a normal neighborhood
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    Hailey s.
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:33
    Hailey s.
    this message is propaganda because its showing the many different forms everybody thinks about chicago. This message is beneficial to society because its showing people what the city of chicago actually looks like. the propagdist is selling the message by trying to be funny, but gets the point across about what his/her city looks like. the emotional appeal is plainfolks because its trying to show that chicago is a normal city and the people of chicago live in the same type of neighborhood as everybody else
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    Savannah H.
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:37
    Savannah H.
    This qualifies as propaganda because it shows the way people shape their perceptions of Chicago. I wouldn't call this meme a harmful piece of propaganda, in fact I believe in a way it's beneficial because it shows the actual living conditions instead of what people picture themselves. The propagandist sells the message by showing all the different images people picture and what it's really like, that way people who see this feel they're reading a relatable meme. This message would emotionally appeal to plainfolks because most can relate to the situation. People tend to come across stereotypical people in their lifetime, it's just a norm.
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    Chassity B
    Sat, 06/04/2016 - 00:47
    Chassity B
    This is propaganda because it shows the many perceptions of Chicago. This is beneficial to society because the real thing isn't what people actually see. They are selling this by using an emotional appeal. the appeal is either self-esteem because the people who are from Chicago are always conscious in what their home looks like.

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