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Background Information
This is an example of pathos, since the creator of the video wants people to feel a great deal of sadness when you see what happens if you drink and drive. It is beneficial because not only does it have a strong message, it shows a positive ending.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
Budweiser promotes this video to stress the concept of not drinking and driving. It appeared numerous of times on television during the SuperBowl in 2015.


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    Katerina Calvo
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:27
    Katerina Calvo
    This video is beneficial because it makes the audience feel sympathy towards how the dog reacts when it's owner doesn't come home. The video makes the audience grow to love the relationship between the dog and it's owner because of the clips shown, before the owner goes out and drinks, with them playing. The video is beneficial because it shows how somebody would react if you drink and drive, and then somebody's reaction if you choose to drink but be responsible and not drive. This video is different than other videos because it shows a reaction and not the crash.
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    Nancy C.
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:28
    Nancy C.
    The message the propaganda is trying to convey is don"t drink and drive (no drunk driving). Active emotion and plain folks are shown, as it was a group of regular young adults and a dog. This ad is beneficial.
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    Amanda Evers
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:37
    Amanda Evers
    This one triggers emotion because no one wants to think of a helpless dog at home all alone. No one would be there for the dog if it's owner got into an accident. It shows what the owner would be missing out on if they drink and drive. You can tell how strong the bond is between the dog and it's owner. The dog would be a mess if their owner never came home. It'd miss them.
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    Liam Larkin
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:38
    Liam Larkin
    This video is trying to convince people to stop drinking and driving. I think that the technique used here is pathos because the commercial is trying to make you feel bad for the dog. I found this to be beneficial because it will show people that you have friends that care about you, so don't risk you're life by drinking and driving.
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    Liam Larkin
    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:38
    Liam Larkin
    This video is trying to convince people to stop drinking and driving. I think that the technique used here is pathos because the commercial is trying to make you feel bad for the dog. I found this to be beneficial because it will show people that you have friends that care about you, so don't risk you're life by drinking and driving.
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    Wed, 11/30/2016 - 20:39
    This video is trying to convince people that drinking and driving wont only hurt you but people around you too especially the people you love. They use Pathos and Cause and Effect to show you what could happen when you drink and dive and to make you feel emotionally connected to the effect. This is beneficial because drinking and driving is dangerous and could hurt others as well as yourself
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    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:03
    This propaganda wants us to not drink and drive. By using ethos, this propaganda is tearing at our heart strings by showing us how a dog would act if his owner, God forbid, never came home. In my opinion, this propaganda is beneficial because it helps keep people safe by not drinking and driving. Drinking and driving kills.
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    Olivia Leong
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:07
    Olivia Leong
    This piece of propaganda is trying to display a message that drinking and driving not only hurts you, but the people around you that care. Plain folks is shown in this piece because it included a dog and adults, and it also shows active emotion. I think this piece of propaganda is beneficial because since the emotion is there by seeing the dog so sad, it could persuade people to not drink and drive.
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    Kaitlin Chin
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:12
    Kaitlin Chin
    This piece of propaganda is against drinking and driving, even tough it is produced by a beer company. It makes people feel bad for the dog because they are usually seen as cute and playful animals. Also since the point of view from a dog, it makes people feel bad for the dog and all animals, especially animal owners. There is some irony in this video ad, because it is saying don't drink and drive since it is dangerous, but it is from a beer company. Usually police do these types of ads, not alcohol companies.
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    Daniel Hodowanec
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:12
    Daniel Hodowanec
    The message that this propaganda is trying to convey is to not drink and drive. This video shows the audience that you won't only hurt yourself, but you will also hurt the people that care and love you. They use cause and effect to show what will happen if you drink and drive. This video is also benefical because it shows the sadness that people that love you will have to go through.
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    Kim Walters
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:13
    Kim Walters
    The maker of the propaganda wanted to promote no drinking while driving. They absolutely used pathos to get the viewer to feel sadness and guilt. In a passive way they also used fear, fear of leaving your loved ones forever because of a stupid decision. Also, using the dog was a good example of transfer, because almost everyone loves dogs, and it easily triggers emotion. The propaganda was beneficial because it persuades people not to drink and drive, which saves lives.
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    d a v i d c h a n
    Thu, 12/01/2016 - 01:18
    d a v i d c h a n
    The propaganda promotes that no one should drink and drive. It uses emotions to persuade the reader. Guilt, sadness, and fear are used. The propaganda is effective and beneficial because it persuades people not to drink and drive

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    Fri, 01/20/2017 - 21:13
    i believe that this ad was beneficial because it shows the sadness of what happens when you don't come home at all from drinking and driving your friends and family will be sad and devastated.
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    Fri, 01/20/2017 - 21:13
    i believe that this ad was beneficial because it shows the sadness of what happens when you don't come home at all from drinking and driving your friends and family will be sad and devastated.
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    Fri, 01/20/2017 - 21:13
    i believe that this ad was beneficial because it shows the sadness of what happens when you don't come home at all from drinking and driving your friends and family will be sad and devastated.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 20:56
    This is beneficial because it shows how there are people at home waiting for you and if your out drinking be responsible so you can be able to come home and see the person or someone who is waiting for you.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 20:56
    this is beneficial because it shows how you should think before you do certain things etc.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 20:56
    this is beneficial because it shows how you should think before you do certain things etc.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:00
    I think this advertisement was very beneficial because it shows that sometimes drinking and driving can be very harmful and the people that care about you will be very sad and miserable without you.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:06
    This was so sad
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:06
    its a good message to people to not drink and drive.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:06
    that video almost made me cry but at the end it kind of cheered me up because i actually thought that the dude wasnt going to come home that was sad.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:07
    I liked the message it was trying to portray but it was it was also sad how long the dog at to wait.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:09
    This is beneficial because it shows how you should think before you do something
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:09
    This is beneficial because it shows that some people have waited for a long time because the person that went out never came back because they drink an drive, and this shows not to drink and drive.
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    Tue, 01/24/2017 - 21:18
    This commercial was really emotional but it was one of the best uses of propaganda. I say this because it speaks to people who put their life at risk driving drunk.
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    Thu, 01/26/2017 - 21:01
    This video was a bit depressing and it was happy as well
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    Sat, 01/28/2017 - 01:05
    This commercial is beneficial because it shows that you have loved ones waiting for you and if you drink and drive, you could get into a car accident and get badly injured. You always have friends counting on you to come back home safe and sound.
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    Sat, 01/28/2017 - 01:13
    This is such a great ad. It interests the audience and it really gets them thinking.
    I definitely think that it's true for many people it may not be a dog but there's someone out there who cares for them and would not like to see them in an accident because of drinking and driving.
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    Sat, 01/28/2017 - 01:13
    I think this video will help because they used something everyone likes which is a dog and it made this video more meaningful.
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    Kimberly Rojas
    Wed, 02/01/2017 - 01:02
    Kimberly Rojas
    this video was beneficial because its showing a man and his dog that have been together for a long time so they have a special bond.
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    Fri, 02/03/2017 - 05:15
    This ad is beneficial because it makes people think twice before driving intoxicated. I plays off emotion in order to change the ways of the audience for the better.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 20:44
    This video is beneficial because it shows that no one should drink and drive. They were also supporting families and pets at home and they feel neglected or worried that they won't come home to them. It shows to have a cause to go home because it's a much better decision that drinking all night long. This was a very emotional ad which will hopefully benefit those who drink or drink and drive.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 20:47
    They add sappy music, had american most beloved dog, and happy ending. It was against drinking and driving. It show the not driving home drunk, and living. It had no facts, and probably a stronger statement if the guy died, and the dog never got to see him again because of drinking and driving.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 20:50
    This is beneficial propaganda because it displays a doge that was waiting forever for it's master to come home, when he/she could have died drunk driving. This attacks the practice of driving drunk, and shows that your pets are waiting for you to come home.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 20:52
    I liked the video because it kind made me cry a little at the end.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 21:32
    I think this form of propaganda is very helpful because it's not sending an opinionated message. The dog in the video really pulls at our heart and makes us want to stop drinking and driving, which is always a good thing to do.
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    Mon, 04/03/2017 - 21:34
    This video is beneficial because it shows how the death of an owner can harm a dog, and what monster would ever want to harm a dog? It really ingrains the important statement "never drink and drive". The part where it says "for some the waiting never ended" plus the dog whining had a chilling effect on the viewer.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 00:40
    Tis commercial is beneficial propaganda. It shows that the dog is more happy when the owner comes home late, vs if he didn't come home. This pulls at te heart strings also, so you can really get the point.
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    Abby A.
    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 00:42
    Abby A.
    I think that this ad is beneficial and heart-wrenching. Animals always add emotion into ads so when you see the sad, lonely dog you feel sympathetic. The owner not being able to drive home because of drinking causes the dog to be sad which causes you to realize you don't want the same impact that the dog had on your loved ones.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 00:43
    This is a form of propaganda because because it is sending a message not to drink and drive by pulling at the heart strings. This therefore makes the person feel almost guilty because they probably have pets at home.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 00:47
    This is an amazing example of propaganda. The dog in the video made us sad, because when his owner didn't come home from his night out until the next morning the dog had been alone. When the ad said "For some the waiting never ends," it really tugged at your heart, because the owner could've died from drinking and driving.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 01:24
    This commercial uses emotions and cute and cuddly things like the dog to make you feel bad. then ends with a plot twist and message that you should never drink and drive but ends with an alcohol brand name.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 01:27
    This ad is showing that people should not drink and drive because that can lead to fatal accidents and the loss of family members and friends. This ad is created by Budweiser who probably supports the fact drinking and driving is very serious. I feel the dog and his relationship with his owner shows that when you lose someone or miss someone it is very hard.
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    Jessie Barshak
    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 02:11
    Jessie Barshak
    This ad is saying not to drink and drive. The dog symbolizes the friends waiting at home and if you drink and drive, you could crash and die and the dog will wait forever. They use the dog to play with your emotions.
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    Celia Vinacco
    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 02:17
    Celia Vinacco
    This ad is telling people to make the responsible choice and know when to not drive home. It uses pathos and is targeting people who can drink.
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    Celia Vinacco
    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 02:17
    Celia Vinacco
    This ad is telling people to make the responsible choice and know when to not drive home. It uses pathos and is targeting people who can drink.
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    Tue, 04/04/2017 - 02:21
    This ad is targeting adults who drink and is telling them to not drive home drunk, because it shows the dog waiting for its owner to come home. It says that the waiting never ends for some of the dogs, which means that their owners got into accidents, ad that shows you shouldn't drive drunk.
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    Thu, 10/05/2017 - 06:24
    I think this is an incredibly effective commercial because it is relatable to everyone. No matter what almost everyone can relate to having a pet or wanting a pet and never wanting this to happen to them. This ad not only conveys a lot of sadness for the animal but the happy ending would make viewers understand what the ad is trying to convey about not drinking and driving. I think they did a great job at getting a powerful message across.
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    Hanna Maynard
    Thu, 10/05/2017 - 22:36
    Hanna Maynard
    I thought that this video was very effective and straight to the point. It has a very strong message, which is to avoid drinking and driving at all costs, and to have a plan to get home safe, even if that means to leave your dog alone for the night and sleep out so you are not driving under the influence. In the end it is better to come home to your dog a day later then to never come back at all.

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