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Background Information
This is an example of pathos, since the creator of the video wants people to feel a great deal of sadness when you see what happens if you drink and drive. It is beneficial because not only does it have a strong message, it shows a positive ending.
Technique Used
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This is propaganda because
Budweiser promotes this video to stress the concept of not drinking and driving. It appeared numerous of times on television during the SuperBowl in 2015.


  1. user-avatar
    Hannah Will
    Fri, 10/06/2017 - 02:03
    Hannah Will
    I think this ad is targeting adults that might drink and drive. Showing the dog waiting for his owner to return, getting excited everything he sees lights coming up the road, etc., makes the viewer feel sad for the dog. I think the commercial is especially effective because it shows the owner returning to his home the next day and greeting the dog. He tells the dog that he stayed at a friend's house so he didn't have to drive. Many people that have pets can relate to this and wouldn't want to upset the animal that relies solely on you.

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