Depicting an anti-laxer along side the grim reaper to align being anti-lax with death



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Anti-vax and the grim reaper

Background Information
The anti-tax population is choosing to not vaccinate themselves and using their wrongful knowledge to spread it. While continuously being proven time and time again that not vaccinating yourself is doing more harm than good for not just themselves, but everyone and leading to more death from COVID whereas if they were vaccinated the effects would not be as catastrophic.
Technique Used
Attack Opponents
This is propaganda because
This is propaganda because pro-vaxxers are depicting anti-taxers in a way that demonstrates them as ignorant and playing into the hands of the grim reaper himself who is used as a symbol of death. That the unvaccinated are only helping death in his quest to take as many lives as possible if people who are anti-vax refuse to get vaccinated and protect themselves.


  1. user-avatar
    Wed, 02/16/2022 - 18:58
    I think simple propaganda like this one is more effective than the cartoons that have a bunch going on in them. As for the message itself, while I don't think that not getting vaccinated is a certain death sentence, I do think the pros outweigh the cons of getting vaccinated. From what I know, if you get COVID and are vaccinated, the effects are far less severe than if you get it and are not vaccinated. There is also greater survival rate and less chance of hospitalization. So although I think this message might be a little extreme, I agree with the general sentiment of it.
  1. user-avatar
    Thu, 02/17/2022 - 04:27
    My rating of beneficial for this image matched the majority of the ratings submitted. I think that even though this cartoon is somewhat dark it is meant to shed light on the reality of people's health being at risk when disregarding precautions regarding their own health. I think the important thing here is highlighting health risks and choosing whether to take the precautions to be safe or disregarding them and risking even death.

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