We send the EU 350 million a week, let's fund our NHS instead.



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Propganda - Brexit Bus

Background Information
This was used by the Conservatives in the Brexit campaign, they wanted to get voters to chose to leave the EU. The NHS is seriously struggling on the current funding it has and it is a concern to many voters, The Conservatives knew this kind of claim what catch attention.
Technique Used
Simplify Ideas
This is propaganda because
They have simplified ideas and evoked strong emotion. The public in the UK are mostly passionate about saving the NHS and finding ways to do so, therefore they feel strong emotion to redirecting funds to save it.
The information is simplified, they have explained why The UK send £350 million to the EU a week, whether this is important or how the money would actually be redirected to The NHS.
This is harmful propaganda as it is influening the opinion of the voters however it is based on little fact.
A bus used by the conservatives in the the Brexit campaign


  1. user-avatar
    Thu, 10/24/2019 - 18:19
    This is a perfect example of oversimplification. At first glance, this is a logical trade: leave the EU and get back 350 million pounds per week to better fund health care. As reality has set in, the complexity of Brexit, the costs in terms of trade, employment, and freedom of movement across borders has set in.

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