Xinnie the Pooh



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Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh

Background Information
This meme is one of the many iterations of Xi Jiping depicted as Winnie the Pooh due to a funny comparison back in 2013 when the Chinese president was walking with Obama. The meme is meant to mock the president and provides laughs to a wide range audience, especially to those who dislike President Xi's regime.
Technique Used
Activate Emotion
This is propaganda because
While being a mockery of President Xi, the meme is more or less meant for audiences to distribute among themselves at a causal level rather than being distributed at a political level. While deterrence and mockery are certainly themes in these memes, they invoke stances for public opinions. Memes in general all contribute to a weird, strange realm of humor that can only be understood within a certain group of people. This meme on the surface only invokes comedy, but can potentially inspire and influence others on how they should perceive President Xi, and since memes are able to spread at such high speeds, the influence of President Xi being Winnie the Pooh becomes a staple in many young minds.
Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc.


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