digital sports

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Digital Technology Changes Sports Viewing

This is a form of sponsored content from the New York Times. It is web content about how the game has changed for TV sports broadcasting. Previously, the network that pays for the rights to broadcast the summer games would bolster ratings by airing only the most popular events for each country. NBC will broadcast and/or stream 6,755 hours of live coverage of the summer games across desktops, smartphones, tablets and connected TVs. Sports fans can see all the events in the summer games, not just the popular ones. TV Everywhere is rapidly changing viewership habits and the way people consume content, according to a report by Adobe. In fact, TV Everywhere viewership has more than doubled in the past year, up by 107 percent year over year, according to the report, which was compiled by Adobe Digital Insights, the research arm of Adobe.
Gebruikte techniek
Respond to Audience Needs
Dit is propaganda omdat
Adobe is promoting itself as a thought leader on the topic of changing TV viewing habits through this form of sponsored content. Many viewers will not make the connection between this topic and the Adobe company's strategic goals.


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