Stop Hoarding

Beoordeel: is dit een voorbeeld van nuttige propaganda? Of is het schadelijk?


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Stop Hoarding

Playing on the classic visual example of US government propaganda, this poster invites people to see the need to stop hoarding as an act of patriotic duty.
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Dit is propaganda omdat
It's designed to make you laugh and change your behavior, all at the same time.


  1. user-avatar
    Tue, 04/14/2020 - 18:03
    I think this is an interesting and eye opening form of propaganda, especially with all that's going on in the world today. In the past, this picture of Uncle Sam was used to recruit soldiers for war, a war being fought with another country. Today, he is portrayed with a mask on, and the words "I want YOU to stay at home and stop hoarding toilet paper." Today, we are fighting a war with a virus and by portraying one of the most famous pieces of propaganda, with a mask on telling us to stay home really shows how essential it is for us to follow the governments rules and only leave the house for essential tasks and when we do leave, we are wearing a mask and gloves.

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