COVID-19 Information

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Car Companies Helping with Corona Virus

This is created by Mercedes Benz on Instagram, lately, they have been devoted to helping share information about how to help slow COVID-19 down. They are also giving ou information about how is most susceptible to the virus.
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This is beneficial to people who have these underlying conditions to be informed and stay safe. It also gives tips on how if you are affected with underlying conditions what to do.


  1. user-avatar
    Sat, 04/04/2020 - 23:11
    It's interesting that a car company is doing what amounts to a public service message. This seems to be an effort to inform people who might be more at risk, because some people with these underlying conditions are their customers.
  1. user-avatar
    Sidney P
    Fri, 04/17/2020 - 22:33
    Sidney P
    As I looked at this photo, I was very surprised to see that it was Mercedes Benz that posted it, considering that is not something they would ever normally post. It's really so nice to see companies from all areas coming together to spread the word about safety during the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a very informative message, and a great one to see.

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