When political views result in the suffering of another human being, they are no longer political views- they are moral choices

Beoordeel: is dit een voorbeeld van nuttige propaganda? Of is het schadelijk?


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Moral Choices

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Activate Emotion
Dit is propaganda omdat
This post was meant to activate emotions because of the way it implies that certain people's political views affect people negatively. The image on this post is the earth with a mask on which has to do with the coronavirus and the recommendations that people wear masks. The debate against masks is evident in society today because some people feel like being mandated to wear a mask infringes on their constitutional rights. But in reality, wearing a mask is supposed to be respectful and supposed to help reduce the spread of the virus itself. This post is meant to bring people to the harsh reality that their politicized views of wearing a mask are negatively affecting others and contributing to the suffering. This post is supposed to benefit the scientific evidence that not wearing a mask makes the pandemic as a whole worse.


  1. user-avatar
    Fri, 10/02/2020 - 00:26
    I think this is a great example of activating strong emotions, and I also think it could be a form of simplifying information. Though I can understand what the piece means, one could argue that these "moral issues" such as wearing a mask, are also political issues because they are in political discussion whether we like it or not.

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