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Informacje ogólne
This example is simplified information because it is one sided. This video only promotes the positive effects of getting a shot and doesn't explain or list any negative effects of getting a vaccination.
używana technika
Simplify Ideas
To jest propaganda, ponieważ
Elmo is scared to get his shot so a surgeon stops to help Elmo understand how important it is that he gets it.


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    Roma Barade
    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:21
    Roma Barade
    The video uses Elmo to make vaccinations seem more appealing to little children. They also have a doctor to talk about the vaccinations and show how it happens so people aren't scared of them. It's also simplification because it simplifies all the positives to make it seem a lot easier to get them and it also makes you seem safer as well.
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    Nancy C.
    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:22
    Nancy C.
    This propaganda promotes getting a shot to prevent illness. A technique I see is testimonial, Elmo is a trusted figure/character to children. I believe this propaganda is neutral.
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    Ally Devico
    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:23
    Ally Devico
    This piece of propaganda wants the viewers to know that it is safe to get vaccines and overall they are very beneficial to you. This video incorporates card stacking because it doesn't list the negative effects of vaccines. Also, they use Elmo as a symbol to grab the attention of young children. This video is semi benefit because it only targets children due to the fact Elmo is talking. Adults would probably not listen to Elmo.
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    Liam Larkin
    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:25
    Liam Larkin
    Liam Larkin
    The propagandist here is trying to show how simple, easy, and effective it is to get a vaccination. Logos is the technique being used here because there are facts and statistics being used. I think this is beneficial because it is showing people that if Elmo can do it, than so can you.
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    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:25
    Denisse Astudillo
    In my opinion this advertisement is beneficial because, first they use a well-known character for kids, such as Elmo, and they made this in a way that kids feel comfortable about having a vaccination, because it is very important to be safe from sicknesses, otherwise we would always be sick and spending our time and money in doctor appointments. Also it tries to appeal to our emotions because Elmo is like a kid and so the doctor explained him that he needed the vaccinations to avoid being sick and not playing outside with his friends, they are convincing parents to take their kids to the doctor to have their vaccinations.
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    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:30
    Besides Simplify Ideas this video also uses the Testimonial propaganda in this video because the producer uses Elmo to portray a patient getting a shot. Elmo is the main character of a kids Tv show and is represented a character that is honest, caring, and ,respectful. So the producer uses Elmo to persuade kids and parents to get vaccinations because Elmo is trustworthy character. This is beneficial because this is trying to convince people to get vaccinations to better there health and that all vaccinations are not bad.
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    Katerina Calvo
    śr., 11/30/2016 - 20:47
    Katerina Calvo
    This video also includes testimonial propaganda because it includes a trustworthy surgeon. Usually people would trust surgeons because of their experience so because they included a surgeon in this video people would normally believe and follow whatever they say.
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    czw., 12/01/2016 - 01:06
    I believe that this piece of propaganda is beneficial because it teaches kids that vaccines are good, healthy, and nothing to be afraid of. It also tells parents in a fun, entertaining way to get their kids vaccinated to prevent future diseases.
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    czw., 12/01/2016 - 01:12
    This propaganda wants to help children who are afraid of shots to understand that are helpful, not harmful. It is using testimonial because the commercial is showing Elmo, who is a well-respected celebrity, that he's not afraid of a shot, so neither should you. The kids want to be just like Elmo. This is beneficial because it helps calm down kids before they get their shot and help them realize that they are not being tortured, they are being helped.
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    pon., 04/03/2017 - 20:38
    I rated this video beneficial because it made me happy and laugh because I love Elmo.This was very effective because it was a happy video and it was funny when Elmo sang "shake it off".When Elmo said it didn't hurt it would make everyone comfortable with getting a vaccine even if everyone doesn't get one.
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    pon., 04/03/2017 - 20:48
    This ad shows that elmo is scared to get a vaccination, and it shows the target audience, which is kids, that getting a vaccination is not scary. However the ad does not show any of the negative affects of getting a vaccination, only the positives.
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    pon., 04/03/2017 - 20:49
    I think this is an example of propaganda. This is something for both children and parents to watch. It envolves Elmo, who every little child loves and a surgean for adults. This ad consits of a happy enviorment the whole time and shows kids why they should get a vaccine.
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    pon., 04/03/2017 - 20:51
    I think that this is beneficial because it encourages kids to get vaccinations and protect them from getting sick. It is also beneficial because it can make kids less afraid of getting a vaccine.
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    pon., 04/03/2017 - 20:53
    It showed how shots can help you, by simplifying the how vaccination works, and doesn't anything bad about it. It is easy for kids to understood, and at the end asks a question at the end to wonder about.
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    Justin L
    pon., 04/03/2017 - 21:33
    Justin L
    This is a really helpful to help inform younger kids of why they have to get a vaccination and not just because mom or dad says so. For me as a eighth grader it was also somewhat enjoyable. I almost want to watch it again.
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    Harrison J.
    pon., 04/03/2017 - 21:35
    Harrison J.
    I thought that this video was a perfect example of propaganda. It uses a beloved character from a children's show, I'm sure everyone loved at the time, to help make a more comfortable environment for kids to go into doctor's offices, get shots, and acquire vaccines. This also gives an educational value for why you should get a vaccine.
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    Constantine the Childs
    pon., 04/03/2017 - 21:42
    Constantine the Childs
    This is a great example of propaganda because it uses a character that all children can relate to and it explains why it is important to get vaccinations and how easy it is.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 00:38
    I think this ad would be very effective because what kid doesn't like Elmo? Because Elmo is in it, kid wouldn't be as scared to get a shot, and kids would tell their parents about the ad, making their parents think about it. The one problem with this ad, and why it is considered propoganda, is that it is completely one-sided in favor of vaccinations
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 00:40
    This video about getting a vaccination is great example of propaganda. This video shows all the pros of getting a vaccination, but not the cons. It's informative to little kids who don understand much about why things happen.
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    Abigail Bond
    wt., 04/04/2017 - 00:44
    Abigail Bond
    The ad is clearly beneficial because it tells people (kids) the importance of vaccines and what they are. There also is some humor to keep one interested, and I mean come on, it's Elmo. Therefore I am surprised to see votes on this video being harmful.
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    Emily S.
    wt., 04/04/2017 - 00:47
    Emily S.
    This piece of propaganda is persuasive, especially to young children who love Elmo. The video allows younger children to know about how they can be safe from sicknesses by getting vaccines. Although, the video does not explain some of the downsides that can come with some vaccines.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:13
    It is only showing how a vaccine will help you and not showing the side effects. Since it is using Elmo it is targeting young children who might watch the show.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:14
    The target audience is young kids. It trys to send along that vaccines are good and do hurt but barely. It needs more information about the ending question.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:14
    The target audience is young kids. It trys to send along that vaccines are good and do hurt but barely. It needs more information about the ending question.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:14
    This commercial made me laugh, not only because I love Elmo (who doesn't?!), but also because they added humor to a serious issue. I think kids would respond to this commercial well, and would even ask their parents if they could get a vaccine.
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    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:23
    This video is directed toward smaller children afraid for shots, and parent who don't believe in vaccines for their children. This would be effective if it got more to the point, i'm sure that younger kids liked it but kids also have a short attention span.
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    Sofia Dixon
    wt., 04/04/2017 - 02:23
    Sofia Dixon
    This commercial is aimed towards parents who need to give kids their vaccinations and aimed towards kids who are scared of getting them. They added humor so it wasn't hard to talk about a serious topic with younger viewers.

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