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Informacje ogólne
This example is simplified information because it is one sided. This video only promotes the positive effects of getting a shot and doesn't explain or list any negative effects of getting a vaccination.
używana technika
Simplify Ideas
To jest propaganda, ponieważ
Elmo is scared to get his shot so a surgeon stops to help Elmo understand how important it is that he gets it.
The propagandist here is trying to show how simple, easy, and effective it is to get a vaccination. Logos is the technique being used here because there are facts and statistics being used. I think this is beneficial because it is showing people that if Elmo can do it, than so can you.
In my opinion this advertisement is beneficial because, first they use a well-known character for kids, such as Elmo, and they made this in a way that kids feel comfortable about having a vaccination, because it is very important to be safe from sicknesses, otherwise we would always be sick and spending our time and money in doctor appointments. Also it tries to appeal to our emotions because Elmo is like a kid and so the doctor explained him that he needed the vaccinations to avoid being sick and not playing outside with his friends, they are convincing parents to take their kids to the doctor to have their vaccinations.
Besides Simplify Ideas this video also uses the Testimonial propaganda in this video because the producer uses Elmo to portray a patient getting a shot. Elmo is the main character of a kids Tv show and is represented a character that is honest, caring, and ,respectful. So the producer uses Elmo to persuade kids and parents to get vaccinations because Elmo is trustworthy character. This is beneficial because this is trying to convince people to get vaccinations to better there health and that all vaccinations are not bad.
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