A student sitting at a desk wearing a mask. He’s is seen tied up by rope unable to move from his desk.

Beoordeel: is dit een voorbeeld van nuttige propaganda? Of is het schadelijk?


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Back to School

Gebruikte techniek
Activate Emotion
Dit is propaganda omdat
This is propaganda because it’s activates emotions many teachers, students, and parents are facing during these past few weeks. This image close to home because I work at an after school program for children and this pictures holds a lot of truth. The children aren’t allowed to leave their desk, they are trapped unable to talk and mingle with classmates. They can’t play together, share toys, or even hug one another. This image shows how school now is trying to protect them but it’s only making these young minds feel helpless, scared, and trapped.


  1. user-avatar
    Wed, 09/30/2020 - 18:51
    I also agree that this is a type of propaganda that activates emotion. I have two younger siblings in school and they just wish school was back to normal. This image shows exactly what students are feeling and sends a message to those who aren't in their shoes. The message of how this isn't working and we need to think of a better plan for these kids.

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