SHEIN USA advertisement - Gift Code Giveaways

Beoordeel: is dit een voorbeeld van nuttige propaganda? Of is het schadelijk?


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Daily Life Propaganda

This advertisement was sponsored on Instagram, and is promoting gift code giveaway for SHEIN Official. This clothing brand is a world renown shopping site that has on sale clothes, and fashionable looks.
Gebruikte techniek
Respond to Audience Needs
Dit is propaganda omdat
This is propaganda because it is using a respond to audience needs by using its advertising to promote their giveaway and to get people to gravitate towards their brand. I have shopped on SHEIN many times in the past, and that is why their advertisements pop up on my Instagram feed. Our devices know where we shop, and it can be said that they listen into what we are saying so by tapping into that information they are generating ads for the brands, and clothing items I want. This is responding to my needs by making me want to online shop on their website again, and thet are doing this though the promotion of a free gift code.


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