Second Amendment Emergency Meme

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Second Amendment Emergency Meme

This image appeared on the Conservative Daily website in a December 28, 2012 post opposing President Obama's appeal for new gun control legislation. It asserts that citizens have 2nd amendment rights to protect them from government tyranny.
Vilken metod används
Activate Emotion
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Rather than directly addressing proposed regulations, this plays on emotions, suggesting that any limitations on personal gun ownership violate sacred rights & open the door to government tyranny. It tries to unite conservatives against gun control.


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    fre, 01/16/2015 - 03:07
    This seems potentially dangerous - some people may interpret this as, "IF you don't like what the government is doing, use your gun to get their attention."
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    tis, 09/29/2015 - 00:39
    I think it is harmful because it is giving away guns to basically anyone to use on people.
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    tis, 09/29/2015 - 00:53
    This is not good
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    ons, 09/30/2015 - 05:05
    really harmful.
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    Jena A.
    fre, 06/03/2016 - 08:27
    Jena A.
    This is propaganda because it intentionally sways your emotions in thinking that your rights are being restricted. This is a harmful message because it motivates gun violence and protection. This message is being directed using government and politics because it is generating an attitude towards the second amendment. This message uses an emotional appeal of plainfolks because many people feel the same in this situation and can relate.

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